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The Appearance Commission acknowledges and thanks the people who are working to keep our roadsides clean. We live in a naturally beautiful area and by keeping it clean we increase everyone’s enjoyment of the beauty of our surroundings. “Pride of Place” calls for us to take care of our roadside litter.


Litter trashes everyone. Do your part to keep Polk County clean and beautiful.

Under North Carolina's anti-littering law, individuals may be fined and face community service for intentionally and unintentionally littering.


Intentional littering in the amount of 15 pounds or less is a Class 3 misdemeanor punishable by a fine of $250 to $1,000 and up to 24 hours of community service.

Unintentional littering in the amount of 15 pounds or less is an infraction punishable by a fine of up to $100 and up to 12 hours of community service.


The N.C Department of Transportation’s Swat-A-Litterbug Program encourages the public to report people who litter in an effort to help make North Carolina roadways cleaner. The program provides every individual an opportunity to be an active participant in reducing litter on North Carolina roadways.


The public can report those who litter to NCDOT’s Litter Management Section by filling out an online form or calling NCDOT Customer Service Office at (877) 368-4968.


Upon receipt of the reported information, NCDOT will mail the registered owner of the vehicle that was reported a formal notification, signed by the N.C. State Highway Patrol, that informs them about the littering offense, the penalties of littering and urges them to help keep North Carolina clean.

For more information on the NC State Patrol Website: Litter Free NC.



Polk County residents have a variety of options to recycle household items and reduce your family's impact.

Mobile Recycling 


To provide residents with convenient options for recycling and to help reduce waste going to the landfill, Polk County’s Mobile Recycling Service offers multiple drop-off locations throughout the county several days a week.

As a service of the Polk County Solid Waste Transfer Station & Recycling Center, Mobile Recycling units are set up to accept recyclables from 7 a.m. to noon these days of the week at the following locations:

• Monday – In Tryon at Harmon Field
• Tuesday – In Saluda at the corner of Ozone Drive and Hwy. 176
• Every other Wednesday – In Green Creek at the Green Creek Fire Dept.
• Thursday – In Columbus at 60 Walker Street, next to the Polk County Historical Museum. 

Transfer Station for Recycling

Solid Waste (Transfer Station and Landfill)


N NC 9 HWY two miles north of Mill Spring, NC 28722
8:00-4:30 Mon-Fri, 8:00-4:00 Sat     
(828) 894-3737  

Handles waste disposal and recycling for the county. Recyclable products accepted include newspapers, mixed paper, glass, plastic and metal food and beverage packaging. Materials handled at landfill include stumps, brush, yard waste, metal, appliances, automotive batteries, waste oil, tires, concrete, blocks, brick, asphalt, computers, oil filters, anti-freeze, wooden pallets and super market recyclables (food and beverage cans and bottles).  

Adopt A Highway

Adopt A Highway

Since 1988, thousands of volunteers have not only helped reduce litter but also saved North Carolina’s taxpayers millions of dollars annually in roadside cleanup costs.

According to the current DOT information, the individuals and groups who are now active in the Adopt-a-Highway Program for 2019 -2020 in Polk County are:


  • Foothills Humane Society – Little Mountain Rd. from Hwy 14 to Flying Dutchman Rd. 

  • Pat Doggett – Golf Course Rd. to Landrum Rd. 

  • Finally Farm - Carriage Row - entire road

  • Magnolia Garden Club – Skyuka Road from Hwy 108 to bridge over I26

  • McCutcheon Clan - Holbert Cove Rd. from Piney Mtn. Rd. for 2 miles.

  • Adawehi Healing Center and Beneficial Foods - Fox Mountain Rd. beginning at Hwy 108 to Smith Dairy Rd.   

  • Reynard’s Retreat - Hunting Country Rd. from Red Fox Rd. to I-26

  • Quattlebaum Family - Carolina Dr. and East Park Dr. 

  • White Family in Memory of Bill and Bernice - Green Creek Drive from Hwy 9 to Coxe Rd.  

  • Carolina Carriage Club - River Rd. from Red Fox Rd. to Morgan Chapel Bridge

  • Carolina Mule Association - Walker Rd. 

  • Reid Family - Johnson Rd. – entire road

  • Elizabeth Shelley - East Green Creek Dr. from Poors Ford Rd past Solen Williams to 2ndgate

  • Lebanon United Methodist Church - Big Level Rd. from Rock Springs to Powell Rd.

  • Mountain Brook Vineyards - Phillips Dairy Road - entire road

  • Camp Skyuka - Skyuka Mountain Rd. - entire road

  • Champion Automotive - Bill Collins Rd. from Peniel Rd. to Smith Waldrop

  • Saluda Business Association – Ozone Drive

  • Avalon Egyptian Arabians – Golden Road

  • Foothills Riding Club – Moore Road

  • Kemper Penney – John Smith Road

  • Collinsville Equestrian Trail Assoc. - Collinsville Rd. to Phillips Rd.


If you or your group are interested in adopting a section of local highway, please call the DOT District Office at 828.891.7911 or visit their website. The DOT staff will guide you through the process of adopting a section of highway.

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